Custom Branding The Sure-Bet Formula Master eBook

From: Ed Zivkovic

Custom Brandable eBook - The Sure-Bet Formula

The Sure-bet Formula is an eBook which is available with resale rights. The idea behind owning a Custom Brandable Edition of this eBook is to sell copies which contain your own website URL and affiliate links within the eBook.

Selling your own custom branded versions of eBooks seems to be popular these days because the eBook can be sold by other webmasters who also purchased resale rights but did not purchase a Custom Brandable Edition. What this means to the person who sells their own Custom Branded Version is that their website and affiliate links are going along for a free ride.

How to create a Custom Branded Version of The Sure-Bet Formula

If you are not the owner of a Custom Brandable Edition of The Sure-Bet Formula, click here to learn more about it.

After you have downloaded the Custom Brandable Edition of The Sure-Bet Formula and the Branding Software called eBrand-It.exe, you are ready to begin.

eBrand-It Dialogue for sure-bet.exe

  • Double-click on eBrand-It.exe. This will open the branding software.
  • Click the Open eBook Tab. this tab is in the top left hand corner of the eBrand-It window.
  • Open the Master Brandable Version of The Sure Bet Formula by double-clicking the file called sure-bet.exe. If you cannot see sure-bet.exe, browse to the location where it has been downloaded to your computer.
  • Select and Edit the first field which in this case is %your_url%. Edit this field by inserting your own URL and clicking the OK button.
  • Edit Field Dialogue

  • Select the second field and click the edit button. Insert your name or website title and click the OK button.
  • Select the third field and insert 20-30 words which describe your website.
  • Select the fourth field and insert your TrafficMultiplier ID
  • Select the fifth field and insert your Commission Junction ID

  • Select the sixth field and insert your Affiliate Center ID

  • Select the seventh field and insert your ClickBank Nick Name

  • Select the last field and insert your seLFTech ID
  • Now click the button called Save Branded eBook as and name it surebet.exe. Do not name it sure-bet.exe or you will overwrite the master brandable file.

    Congratulations, you have just created your own custom branded version of The Sure-Bet Formula eBook.

    You can now place this file in your order download section ready to be downloaded by your customers.