Ed's Autorun INF Generator
How To Make an Autorun INF File
Download Now - autoruninf.exe - 216 KBIn order to create an Autorun CD, an autorun INF file needs to be inserted into the root directory of the CD project.
The file is named autorun.inf and tells your computer to autorun a particular file on the CD.
Ed's Autorun INF Generator
Autorun INF Generator will create the INF file that needs to be included into the CD project. Simply include the file in the root directory of your CD project along with the file you wish to autorun and burn it.
The inf file will autorun CD's on Vista, Windows 7 as well as earlier versions of Windows such as 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP.
Only files with the .exe file extention can be made to autorun with the generated INF file. This method will not Autorun HTML Files.
Ed's Autorun INF Generator will not create a CD Menu.
- Download Autorun INF Generator to your computer
- Double-Click to Run the program. (No installation is required)
- Insert the name of the executable program (file name) you wish to autorun but do not include the file extention (.exe).
Insert File Name - Save the result as file name: autorun.inf
Save Result - Now include autorun.inf into the root directory of your CD project and burn it with the file you wish to autorun
Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7 or better. No installation required! Simply double-click autoruninf.exe to run the program.
How To Download
How To Download
Right-Mouse-Click on the download link and select Save Target As...
Download Now - autoruninf.exe - 216 KB