How You Can Start, Build, Manage or Turn Around Any Business
Includes 8 CDs or audio cassettes, plus workbook binder - 12 hour program.
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Session 1
- Back to Basics for Profit Improvement.
- What you must know to succeed.
- The age of the entrepreneur.
- Intrapreneurship.
- 12 basics you must know.
- 7 personal qualities that assure success.
- Common characteristics of 83 self-made millionaires.
- 5 key abilities of effective executives.
- 8 ways to advance your career in any company.
- 15 major reasons for business failure.
- 10 reasons why businesses succeed.
- Setting your goals - 8 questions you must answer, to start, build or turnaround any business.
Session 2 Marketing Strategy - The Key to Success
- The purpose of a business.
- What is marketing?
- 14 ways to find a new product or service.
- 10 methods of fast, cheap market research.
- 8 steps to market test a new product.
- 14 questions you must ask before you begin marketing anything (What do you sell?
- What need does it satisfy?
- What is your "area of excellence"?
- Obstacles to sales success? And many more.
- Market opportunity gaps - 5 places to look.
- 4 fundamentals of any marketing plan.
- 5 techniques for creative market development.
Session 3: Making Your Advertising Pay Off
- Positioning your company – name, literature, logo, location.
- 8 advertising media for best results - how to use each.
- 4 ways to set advertising budgets.
- 6 things to remember.
- 7 tips on newspaper ads that work.
- 6 pointers on direct mail campaigns.
- 7 keys to radio advertising that sells.
- 3 points on using flyers and mail drops.
- How to get free publicity; promotion by multi-level marketing.
- Putting your campaign together.
Session 4: How to Sell - More, Better, Cheaper, Faster
- What is to be sold, to whom, by whom, how?
- 5 cardinal rules for selling anything.
- 7 characteristics of top salespeople.
- 4-step formula for power sales.
- 5 questions you must answer in a sales presentation.
- 3 points on getting attention.
- 5 things the prospect needs to know.
- 10 tips to closing on telephone appointments; setting the stage.
- 5 ideas for more effective sales presentations.
- 5 tips for better listening.
- 7 points on price objections.
- 6 ways to deal with any objection.
- 12 closing techniques for increased sales.
- How to sell on referrals.
- Recommended reading list for sales excellence.
Session 5: Corporate Strategy - The Foundation of Business Success
- Nine key questions for strategy formulation.
- The driving force - what is yours?
- 8 lessons from America's best run companies - what are they doing right.
- 5 rules for fast growth.
- 6 success principles for business management.
- 5 key ideas for business building.
- 6 steps to developing your "mission statement".
- 5 critical issues you must address in building your company.
Session 6: Financial Planning for Solid Growth
- How to develop a business plan, your blueprint for financial success.
- 4 sections, 7 variables, 8 areas to consider.
- How to set up a business budget - 9 critical things you must know.
- Cash-flow projections - your banker's first question.
- Breakeven analysis - getting into the black.
- Fixed versus variable costs and profit contribution margins - 4 numbers to know.
- Vital financial ratios to tell you how you're doing - return-on-investment, net worth, working capital, quick asset ratio, profit margin, gross and net.
- 2 ways to boost profits NOW.
- How to borrow from your bank - 7 requirements.
- 10 steps to take immediately when things go wrong.
- The turnaround technique.
Session 7: The Challenge of Leadership
- Four challenges in today's managerial environment.
- 7 basic facts of corporate life.
- 6 characteristics of outstanding leaders.
- Management-by-motivation, getting people up to peak performance.
- 8 steps to building a winning team.
- Goal-centered management: management-by-values, management-by-objectives.
- 8 ways to produce high morale.
- Multiplying brainpower - 8 ways to stimulate
- Creativity in yourself and others.
- Six characteristics of the winning team.
- 8 ways to build self-esteem in others.
- 3 management styles - which is best for you?
- Brainstorming - 8 ways to make it work.
- 12 ways to increase productivity, cut costs, boost profiles.
- 10 pointers on hiring the best people.
- 10 motivators versus 10 demotivators - do you know which you're using?
- The true Psychology of Leadership.
Session 8: Achieving Personal Excellence
- Seven characteristics of the peak performer - how to develop them.
- 7 requirements for personal success in business;
- 7 qualities of leadership most in demand. effective listening skills.
- your 5 key goals - how to set them, how to achieve them.
- 9 ways to sharpen your mental skills - better problem-solving and decision-making.
- 3 steps to implementing your personal action plans.
- Effective time management - how to analyze, set priorities and concentrate single-mindedly on your highest-value tasks.
- 35 time saving ideas.
- Your springboard to excellence - 7 final points on personal growth and development, recommended reading list for ongoing education.
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