Driving Targeted Traffic to Your Website
What you need, though, isn't just traffic - it's customers. While we will briefly go over some ways to drive targeted traffic to your website, it's just as important to realize that once your traffic gets there, they need something to hold their attention.Make sure you have an attractive and useful website before you employ the following methods or your traffic will keep traveling.
Targeted Traffic Overview
You don't want just any old traffic beating a path to your website or blog, you want targeted traffic. Traffic, by itself, won't make you any money. Targeted traffic, on the other hand, is traffic, or people who are actually interested in what you are selling.You want to concentrate your efforts on reaching the people who might actually make a purchase instead of looking in the window and moving on because you're not selling anything they are interested in.
So if you're selling an ebook about Internet marketing strategies, you probably don't want to buy banner impressions on an adult dating web site. Instead, concentrate your marketing efforts at people who are in the market for Internet Marketing products and services, and advertise, blog, and post in related forums and web sites.
The Best Free Targeted Traffic - Period!
The best targeted traffic is called Type-In Traffic
Type in traffic is a result of people typing your domain name directly into their web browser address bar. The secret to success with this type of traffic is to have a short generic domain name which reflects a product, service or any other heavily searched key-phrase.
Today, it is difficult to register a new domain name which fits this criteria, however, with Internet searching going up each year, it can pay handsome dividends to purchase a good type-in domain.
The main benefits of type-in traffic is that once you own a good type-in domain, you need never do any other kind of Internet marketing.
Free Advertising
Submit To Directories: If you're not quite ready to pay for advertising, there are still numerous ways you can get the word out about your website. Consider submitting articles to directories as well as keeping fresh content on your site.Submit Articles: Most of the article directories will let you post a link back to your site either in a bio box or at the end of the article. Submitting articles to article directories can get a lot of free publicity and improve search engine rankings.
Forum Posting: Forum posting and blogging are also ways you can increase your web presence without spending a lot, if any, money.
Trade Links: You can also trade links with other sites that are in your niche. Just make sure you are not in direct competition with each other before you ask to trade links.
For example, if you are a graphic designer, you might have a lot of success trading links with someone who sells internet marketing business opportunities. The possibilities are really endless if you can trade links with someone that provides goods or services that serve to complement yours.
Article from VREWebmaster.com. This article may be reprinted (no text editing) on your web site, ezine or ebook as long as this resource box remains intact with a live link back.