The Sure Bet Formula

From: Ed Zivkovic
Make money Online selling The Sure Bet Formula eBook resell rights package which includes a complete web site, and transferable eBook resale rights certificate.

Master Resell Right

Your rights are transferable which means that you can resell the entire package with or without master resell right.

Re-Brandable eBook with Branding Tool

The branding tool allows you to re-brand the eBook with your name, web site URL and Clickbank affiliate links which means whenever a purchase is made from one of your affiliate links, you will get paid.

You get Master Resell Right to sell the branding tool as well, which means you can include it in the package, or remove it and allow resellers to distribute your branded version.

PDF and Executable

The Sure Bet Formula eBook resell rights package contains a PDF version along with a compiled executable version which means both PC and Mac users can access the eBook. Not only that, the PDF version will print brilliantly from both machines.

Easy To Edit Web Pages

The Sure Bet Formula Sales page and product delivery page are clean coded which means that the pages do not contain unnecessary cluttered HTML code. What this means to you is that it is easy to edit the pages with your own order links and copyright information. There is even instructions/markers embedded in the code pointing out exactly where to insert your order links.

Visit for more information about The Sure Bet Formula eBook Resell Rights package.